Friday, 8 August 2008

Material Girl

Last week Etienne took me to see a friend of his named Thierry. This Thierry is an accountant in Marseille, and he gave me some advice on selling my flat in Bordeaux and looking for another place here in the Midi.

After talking to Thierry I suddenly realise that I'm loaded. I mean I knew I was comfortably off but this is just ridiculous - I'm actually embarrassed at how loaded I am. Most of the money arose on account of being orphaned and then grand orphaned within two years in my teens. I inherited my parents flat in Paris and a mas in Aquitaine belonging to grandmother. These properties were held in trust until I became legally old enough to own them. By that time they'd already accumulated in value due to the housing boom in the nineties.

The flat in Bordeaux originally belonged to Etienne who was my legal guardian but he rather generously allowed me to live there rent free whilst under his watchful eye. Since then the situation has altered somewhat. After some dubious accounting the flat was transferred into my name at below market value - I think this was a tax dodge to avoid a capital gain or something? So now I stand to make even more money whenIi sell.

The flat in Paris is small but the rental income is astounding - higher even than London. The agent is charging tenants about 2,500 euros per month yet you can't swing a cat in there. Apparently location is everything., and the arrondissement is now trendy. The old house in Aquitaine is gorgeous but sadly in need of repair, althoughprobably still worth about a half million euros.

Naturally this has all come as rather a shock to me - I had no idea I was worth that much. Basically I'm filthy stinking rich and I don't know what to do with it all. Whatever happens I'm keeping my job with Etienne's wine firm - its not like I need to work but it keeps me occupied and I like the people. I mean vignerons are all snobs but they're cultured and entertaining ones.

Etienne is seriously worried about me becoming independent but I've promised not to move too far away.I haven't decided on precise location yet but it's likely to be within the area between Avignon Arles and Aix. Can you tell how excited I am?

Promise to blog some photos when I've relocated to my new chez nous.

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