Tuesday, 10 June 2008

The Mysterious ET

First of all, I don’t have any family. If you’ve been keeping up, you already know that. Instead, I have ET. They’re his initials – and sometimes he does feel alien.

After the accident, I had to live with my grandmother [Sandrine’s maman]. But within a year she had died - possibly from the strain of coping with a rebellious teenager. So, enter ET, my distant, but nearest relative. Apart from some Americans, but they don’t have anything to do with me.

At the funeral – a sky full of thunder; crazy cold weather; everyone in black – except for the girl in the white dress. I’m introduced to a charming young man – immediately in awe – he’s so accomplished, as an artist, as an intellectual presence. Then there are his handsome good looks. And something dangerous and otherworldly about him. Entranced, by a man ten years my elder. Yet he seems totally disinterested in me, a pubescent teenager.

My education is entrusted to ET. His knowledge is amazing. A door has opened into another world, one I never knew existed. Under his tutelage I make rapid progress. I learn about painting and sculpture, architecture, fiction, cinema, theatre, and above all poetry – I discover Eliot, Blake, Keats, Dante, Goethe. Suddenly I find my inner voice. Soon I am attending university at Montaigne, in Bordeaux, sharing a flat with Helene, a fellow lit student.

ET is a struggling artist. But now I become his inspiration, the muse that sets free his creativity. He paints me obsessively, over and over, often in the nude. Naturally we become lovers – to the disapproval of Helene. It’s the start of our downfall, she warns. I soon discover the dark side of life – alcohol; drugs; group sex; even the occult. I should be scared, but ET has a hold over me. I drop out of college, never finish the course.

In one day it all changes. ET exhibits a painting – of me – in Bordeaux, sells it for a large sum. Suddenly he is legitimised, decides to return home – to the south – to set up a studio. Helene’s counsel prevails, to stay with her. Anyway, I am now in love with Helene. What a crazy life!

The portrait by ET here is of a younger me, during our time as a couple. ET is now back in my life, since last year. He’s offered me a partnership in his wine business, at some stage, once I learn the ropes. Although he's now married to Frankie, I guess he still carries a torch for me. But we’ve both changed somewhat. I don’t like looking back, but neither do I look forward. The accident taught me that, to live for the moment. This day, this life, will never happen again.

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